
Transpersonal Psychooncology

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri, 10.00 - 18.00
  Contact : +38 07373 080 88

Precancer and Prevention

If your parents or relatives have cancer, you are probably worried that you can also get this disease.

Actually, there is a base for your fears: according to the field of oncology, you are in the risk group. The closer related one is to the cancer patient, the higher the risk of the disease on relative.

However, according to modern scientific data and especially the discoveries of epigenetics, hereditary forms of cancer constitute only 5-10%, and what is inherited from cancer relatives at most is a predisposition to cancer. What are the conditions promote the predisposition to develop into an illness?

These conditions are the same as I write in the section titled “Anticancer Approach“: untreated psychic traumas and/or unresolved intrapersonal conflicts reflecting unmet personal needs, the inability to live the life that a person wants, and the resulting deep, not always conscious spiritual pain, leading to depression. The result is chronic psychophysiological stress, which destroys the immune system and other body-based systems of anti-cancer protection.

Have you had any serious bereavements in your life? The death of a loved one, a heavy divorce, loss of employment, bankruptcy or other financial problems? If your answer is yes, and you still cannot get over the loss – you are at risk.

A huge role belongs to the personality features that formed during childhood, which hinder a person to effectively cope with life’s difficulties. They are also a source of increased oncogenic distress.

Carefully read the following list and honestly tell yourself how many of these qualities you can attribute to yourself:

– the habit of suppressing negative emotions, especially anger;

– the desire not to experience and not show fear, anxiety or sadness;

– sufferance, modesty, passivity, obedience, dependence, all the way up to submission to significant others  — excessive “pleasantness, goodness”;

– avoiding conflicts, lack of “fighting spirit”. A way to cope with stress is to pretend that nothing is happening;

– an excessive desire to satisfy the needs of others while neglecting to satisfy one’s own needs,

– tendensity to self-sacrifice, psychological “masochism”;

– depressiveness, a tendency to hidden despair, apathy, frequent fatigue, difficulties in adaptation;

– frequent hopelessness, helplessness, depression;

– loss of “taste” of life.


If you have found in yourself more than half of these personality traits – you are at risk.

If you combine all three factors of predisposition – cancer in relatives, unresolved psychotrauma of loss, and peculiar properties of personality – you need serious psychological help to prevent the development of a dangerous disease.

All of the above applies to precancerous diseases.

Examples are atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, erosion of the cervix, polyps of the stomach, colon and female genital organs, cystic diseases of the breast, long-existing trophic skin ulcers, diffuse and nodular goiter in the thyroid gland, and others.

As shown in my book, the main process that causes the transition of precancer into cancer is the formation of an oncodominant. This can be prevented by my developed methods.

Read the materials of this site and choose the course that suits you in the section “Programs and Price“.

Why worry about getting cancer if you can actively act to prevent the disease?

One who is forewarned is armed!

If you want to know more about the personal properties of cancer patients listed by me, I recommend the following books while mine one is in translation:

Temoshok L., Dreher H. The Type C Connection – The Mind-Body Link to Cancer and Your Health. New York, Random House, 1993.

LeShan L. Cancer As a Turning Point: A Handbook for People with Cancer, Their Families, and Health Professionals. Plume, 1989.

Simonton O.C, Matthews-Simonton S., Creighton J.Getting Well Again: The Bestselling Classic About the Simontons’ Revolutionary Lifesaving Self- Awareness Techniques. Bantam, 1992